service learning experience preflection

By the fourth class meeting, you must choose a service organization that can utilize your business expertise, present your responses to a Preflection (described below) with your classmates for feedback, and post your responses to the following questions in Canvas under Service Learning Experience.  Your Preflection post would equal about two to three double-spaced pages and should address the following:
o    What is service learning and social responsibility to you?
o    Which service organization did you select?
o    Why did you select this service organization?
o    What needs within the community does the organization serve?
o    What groups/individuals does the organization serve and what other groups/individuals/communities could benefit from the types of services provided by this organization?
o    Does the organization have a mission and/or vision statement and if so what is it?
o    What do you think you might learn from this project?
Above is the link to the organization.