history of film

Watche Hitchcock’s Sabotage (1936) and engaging with the lecture material.
Critical Reflections should be ~500 word informal short essays discussing an aspect of the film, the reading, and incorporating a lecture point, responding to the prompt. Do not repeat content you read or spend all of your word count describing the whole film or repeating facts about the film.  This is not a value judgement (like-do n ot like, good-bad film is not the relevant). This is a reflection in which you engage in critical thinking about an aspec tof the film based on lecture and reading and responding specifically to the prompt. This is your graded work. To cite materials you may do so somewhat informally and do not need footnotes. 

Below is the option for Week 1. In this case you will have until Jan 17 11:59pm PT to submit. For this Week 1 CR, you do not need to draw from reading, just film and lecture/PPT.

How does the film Sabotage suggest that film is a…





You might address this through the bomb explosion scene, by analyzing the role of the protagonist couple in operating a cinema house, or another scene or aspect of your choice.