Part 2 essay

The final paper will include part 1 with revisions (i.e., incorporating the professors feedback) and add  part 2 where you will discuss implications and recommendations for policy, practice, and research. Both parts must be submitted to be eligible for full credit.

Revisions to part 1 should be highlighted in yellow or use red font.   

Part 2 of the assignment should be 3 pages in length. Recommendations should be grounded in your findings from part 1.  Part 2 of the paper will include the following three sections:

Section 1. Policy recommendations. Consider the research you synthesized for the six domains within the SDH framework and immigration as a SDH (e.g., what can be done to address food insecurity or what can be done to address exploitation in the workplace?), and develop recommendations for addressing the issue.  Include at least 2 policy recommendations. Use the following format for each policy recommendation: (a) Identify the specific finding you are targeting, (b) what is the implication if the issue is not addressed what are the consequences or why are policy changes needed? (c) what is the policy recommendation what changes are needed to policy or what new policies are needed? Policy recommendations can be at a federal, state, or county level.

Section2. Practice recommendations. What can be done at a practice level? Practice implications could range from direct practice (interactions with medical providers) to community-based efforts (e.g., to improve access, advocate, engage community in change actions etc.).  Include at least one practice recommendation: Use the following format: (a) Identify the specific finding you are targeting, (b) what is the implication if the issue is not addressed what are the consequences or why are these changes needed? (c) what is the practice recommendation what practices changes are needed to better serve the immigrant community? Practice implications can focus on what organizations or institutions can do to better serve the immigrant community. Practice implications can also involve a process for change such as creating spaces for immigrants to be involved in change efforts.

Section 3. Research recommendations. Include at least one recommendation for future research. What gaps remain in the research? What additional research is needed to better understand the health and wellbeing of the immigrant group or health condition?  How would the research you recommend improve what we know about the specific immigrant group you are focused on?