Human Resource course/ ONLY SECTION B is my part and I need assistance

Turnitin Assignment NameTeam ProjectSummary

Understanding Role of Unions in Canadian Context Team Project (Week 11 Monday   Midnight)

Given that Union density is significantly decreasing in Canada you are required to write a 1500-word paper emphasizing on the following:

a)      How has the role of HRM as a department changed/modified in the absence of unions, in Canada? Based on your research, discuss whether HRM can be a justifiable/fair replacement for unions in Canada?

b)      With  strict federal and provincial employment laws governing employer, and employee relationship can Canadian employees still be exploited? This answer must be supported with real case examples taken from Canadian workplace. Descriptive answers will be marked down

c)      Which industries do you believe can still benefit from union associations in Canada? Again, use Canadian industry examples to illustrate the usefulness of Unions in specific industries and vice versa. Descriptive answers will be marked down