Study of coronavirus variants predicts virus evolving to escape current vaccines

1.Write a descriptive title that is different from the headline of the article for the subject of your post

2. Post a summarize that article in your own words using a paragraph of no less than 200 words

3. Include a webpage link to the article

also, respond to this, this is not related to the topic, no less than 80 words

To begin with, tremors are these small shakes in the ground that occur around plate boundaries. Which we know from class, many earthquakes, and volcanoes form along plate boundaries such as convergent and divergent. These are the two main boundaries I recall we learned from class and it was interesting to seem that it was brought into this article and related to what we learned already. The article starts off by talking about how scientists are trying to figure out whether or not there is a way to be able in sensing and locating these certain tremors. Scientists want to figure out generally the time stamp or how long these tremors actually occur, and look for a solution to measure them with accuracy. They start off by concluding that the methods they have right now are a waste of time due to the fact they cannot measure the tremor times accurately. They were able to then come up with a new form of a solution that was able to sense tremors easily from certain underwater stations. These stations could then show if the tremors really existed there and showed the times or when they would last. They founded the stations to work and provided long-term success due to being able to work around the world. They knew it worked because they founded multiple tremors along with the ocean areas in Japan, which was able to show not only the tremors but how fast they move as well. They then all it was founded along ocean faults, and they also realized that the worse these get, the more dangerous it is for not only the environment but for us as people too. If they were not to ever look at this, certain tremors can spark major earthquakes which could result in many deaths or injuries that no one would’ve seen coming. A strong component of this article was that they showed something to solve for and figured it out. The article did a good job towards the audience by letting them know a solution for the problem they were trying to solve. A weakness of the article is having to figure out what the stations did for the tremors. It was a little unclear and was not stated obviously what the previous and new solutions did. It was a good challenge to figure out though, which made this article more interesting to read. An example of good science was it explained a natural event such as earthquakes and volcanoes. Another example was that experiments were shown, such as how they measured the areas of Japan. They also used direct measurements in their work as they measured certain tremors using stations that they had to do themselves. Also, the scientists showed high hopes for our environment and showed how they really care for the future of not only the environment but the human population as well.