Annotated Bibliography

 Please use a article that pretrains to immigration 

Annotated Bibliography

You must submit an annotated preliminary bibliography with a minimum of five to seven secondary sources, correctly cited according to MLA style.  In addition to a correct citation for each source, you must include two paragraphs of your own writing; first, a description or summary of the source, and second, an explanation of how you foresee incorporating it into your essay.

Paragraph 1 – Summarize: If someone asked what this article/book is about, what would you say?

Paragraph 2 – Reflect: Once you’ve summarized the source, you need to ask how it fits into your research. Was this source helpful to you? How does it help you shape your argument? How can you use this source in your research project? Has it changed how you think about your topic?

Please follow this example 

Example Annotated Bibliography Entry:

Lamott, Anne. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. New York: Anchor Books, 1995.

Print. ( work cited example )

Example of the Summarize 

Lamott’s book offers honest advice on the nature of a writing life, complete with its insecurities and failures. Taking a humorous approach to the realities of being a writer, the chapters in Lamott’s book are wry and anecdotal and offer advice on everything from plot development to jealousy, from perfectionism to struggling with one’s own internal critic. In the process, Lamott includes writing exercises designed to be both productive and fun.

Example of the reflect 

Chapters in this text could easily be included in the curriculum for a writing class. Several of the chapters in Part 1 address the writing process and would serve to generate discussion on students’ own drafting and revising processes. Some of the writing exercises would also be appropriate for generating classroom writing exercises. Students should find Lamott’s style both engaging and enjoyable.

In the sample annotation above, the writer includes two paragraphs: a summary and a reflection on its applicability to his/her own research.