Any topic (writer’s choice)

+ 1. (250 to 300 words) The story’s headline refers to “The Decade When Numbers Broke Sports.” In your opinion, is sports better or worse with the influx of sports specifics. Please use at least two to three examples to make your case. NOTE: I encourage you to do some internet searching for more articles/videos on how data analytics have evolved in the last 10 years.

      + 2. (200 words): Imagine you are working in a job that includes increasing the number of fans for your school or team sports team. How would you use the rise of sports data? Why do you think that would appeal to fans? Apply your internet research from Question 1 into the answer.

      + 3. (200 words): Pick a pro or college sport and explain how you think it has changed that sports for players, coaches and fan. Address each of these groups.