MD 6.10


Please follow the directions as indicated in the lesson on page 11. Click on the word “instructions” and it will take you to a page that looks like this:

06.10 Stand Out From the Crowd!

You will edit and revise your argument.

View the  as you complete your work. This is your guide to a super submission.

  1. Make edits and revisions based on written feedback, your DBA, and tips from this lesson.
  2. To help your instructor locate your edits and revisions, highlight or underline at least three places where you made changes. In parentheses, explain the change you made and why, for each. See this 
  3. Save your work to your computer or drive.
  4. Submit your work in 06.10 Stand Out From the Crowd!

Posted Mon Mar 1, 2021 at 9:43 am

CriteriaGrading ScaleCriteriaGrading ScaleFocus and Organization

Structure: Claim, Logical Organization and Conclusion


Advanced: contains an effective and relevant introduction. states a claim and maintains a sophisticated argument. utilizes effective organizational strategies to logically order reasons and evidence1 to create a unified whole. effectively clarifies relationships among claim(s), reasons, evidence, and counterclaim(s) to create cohesion. contains an effective and relevant concluding statement or section.


Proficient: contains a relevant introduction. states a claim and maintains a clear argument. utilizes adequate organizational strategies to logically order reasons and evidence1 to create a mostly unified whole. clarifies most relationships among claim(s), reasons, evidence, and counterclaim(s), but there may be some gaps in cohesion. contains a relevant concluding statement or section.


Developing: contains a limited introduction. states a weak argument. demonstrates an attempt to use organizational strategies to order some reasons and evidence, 1 but ideas may be hard to follow at times. clarifies some relationships among claim(s), reasons, evidence, and counterclaim(s), but there are lapses in focus. contains a limited concluding statement or section.


Needs Improvement:  contains no or an irrelevant introduction. states an unclear argument. demonstrates an unclear organizational structure; ideas are hard to follow most of the time. fails to clarify relationships among claim(s), reasons, evidence, 1 and counterclaim(s); concepts are unclear and/or there is a lack of focus. contains no or an irrelevant concluding statement or section.


Evidence Explained


Advanced: utilizes well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient evidence from the stimuli to thoroughly and insightfully support logical claim(s), while acknowledging and effectively refuting 2 counterclaim(s). thoroughly and accurately explains and elaborates on the evidence provided, connecting the evidence to claim(s) and counterclaim(s) and demonstrating a clear, insightful understanding of the topic, task, and stimuli.


Proficient: utilizes well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient evidence from the stimuli to thoroughly and insightfully support logical claim(s), while acknowledging and effectively refuting 2 counterclaim(s). thoroughly and accurately explains and elaborates on the evidence provided, connecting the evidence to claim(s) and counterclaim(s) and demonstrating a clear, insightful understanding of the topic, task, and stimuli.


Developing: utilizes mostly relevant but insufficient evidence from the stimuli to partially support claim(s) and counterclaim(s). Some evidence may be inaccurate or repetitive. explains some of the evidence provided, connecting some of the evidence to claim(s) and counterclaim(s) and demonstrating only a partial understanding of the topic, task, and stimuli. There may be some level of inaccuracy in the explanation.


Needs Improvement: utilizes mostly irrelevant or no evidence from the stimuli, or mostly/only personal knowledge to inadequately support claim(s) and counterclaim(s). Evidence is inaccurate or repetitive. inadequately or inaccurately explains the evidence provided; evidence, claim(s), and counterclaim(s) appear disconnected, demonstrating little understanding of the topic, task, and stimuli.


Vocabulary and Syntax


Advanced:  illustrates consistent and sophisticated command of precise language and domain-specific vocabulary 3 appropriate to the task. illustrates sophisticated command of syntactic variety for meaning and reader interest. utilizes sophisticated and varied transitional words and phrases. effectively establishes and maintains a formal style and an objective tone.


Proficient:  illustrates consistent and sophisticated command of precise language and domain-specific vocabulary 3 appropriate to the task. illustrates sophisticated command of syntactic variety for meaning and reader interest. utilizes sophisticated and varied transitional words and phrases. effectively establishes and maintains a formal style and an objective tone.


Developing: illustrates inconsistent command of precise language and domain-specific vocabulary. 3 illustrates inconsistent command of syntactic variety. utilizes basic or repetitive transitional words and phrases. establishes but inconsistently maintains a formal style and an objective tone.


Needs Improvement: illustrates inconsistent command of precise language and domain-specific vocabulary. 3 illustrates inconsistent command of syntactic variety. utilizes basic or repetitive transitional words and phrases. establishes but inconsistently maintains a formal style and an objective tone.


Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar


Advanced: demonstrates consistent and sophisticated command of grade-level conventions of standard written English. 4 may contain a few minor errors that do not interfere with meaning


Proficient: demonstrates consistent command of grade-level conventions of standard written English. 4 contains occasional minor and/or major errors, but the errors do not significantly interfere with meaning.


Developing:   demonstrates inconsistent command of grade-level conventions of standard written English. 4 contains frequent errors that may significantly interfere with meaning.


Needs Improvement: demonstrates limited command of grade-level conventions of standard written English. 4 contains numerous and repeated errors that seriously impede meaning