looking for investors for your new startup company

Imagine you are looking for investors for your new startup company. Please construct a brief (1 paragraph) personal vision statement

Video record yourself delivering your vision

Post your video recording to this discussion board using the insert video button, or, if your file takes too long to upload, post it to youtube as an unlisted video and provide the link (due Tuesday)

Watch and comment on at least one other person’s video

As a group, choose the “best” video, identify whose video it is, and explain (a) why you all think it’s the best and (b) what it could have done better (due Thursday)

Keep in mind the following principles of effective vision delivery (and review the lecture/notes):

1.Provide an attractive future

2.Specific but not too narrow

3.Is challenging but realistic

4.Focused on the future

5.Crystal clear

6.It is brief and concise

7.All members and future members of the organization can share it

8.Inspiring enough for employees at all levels to buy into