

In this module, after reviewing the areas of responsibilities as outlined in , you are asked to reflect on your responsibilities as an ECE professional.

You WILL BE submitting your journal entry in this module. (Remember, this is a comprehensive assignment and you will submit ALL of your entries together in this module.)

Following are some tips for creating your journal:

  • Make each entry thoughtful and engaging in a minimum of one typed, double-spaced page. (You can use a bulleted list or other creative format if you wish.)
  • Save all of your entries for each module in a single document. Format the document so that each journal entry is on a new page, with the Module number and title at the top of the page.

You do not need to use outside resources for the journal assignments. The thoughts should be your own. If you choose to include outside resources, websites, or materials, you must indicate where you found the resource. APA formatting is not required for this assignment or for the resources but is highly encouraged for practice.

Final Journal Submission

Your journal submission should include 4 separate reflections on the following topics as assigned in each Module:


Journal Topic


We are inspired by our past. Write about an event or person from the history of ECE that has inspired you.


Reflect on how adults in your life impacted the development of your self-esteem and how that impacts you today as an adult and as an educator.


Identify personal strengths and commitments and reflect on how you use those to be an effective early childhood professional.


Look at the areas or responsibilities outlined in NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment and reflect on your responsibilities.

Your reflection assignment will be graded based on the quality of the information you include from all four topics above.

As a reminder, your journal should be one document with each entry starting on a new page. Each entry should include the Module it was assigned in and a title. Each of your entries should be a minimum of one page, typed, and double spaced. (You can format your entries in a bullet list or other creative format if you wish.)

Review your entries from all four modules; revise, do further research, and add any additional information as necessary

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