Transforming organizationCollecting, Analyzing, and Feeding Back Diagnostic Information

Read article “Deloitte Survey Reveals That Companies …t and Impact of Digital Transformation” and write a summary. must include the reference from the “Organization Development and Change, 10th ed. Thomas G. Cummings & Christopher G. Worley”, using APA format.

Marking Scheme for Article Review
1. Clear and succinct summary of the article, appropriate and correct sources cited.
2. Content :
– Useful prcis/ description/ summary of the article. Covers key points of article.
– Fair evaluation of article: based on content, not just presentation or liking/disliking.
– Reviewer relates the article to the course material (i.e., include the reference to the textbook “Organization Development and Change, 10th ed. Thomas G. Cummings & Christopher G. Worley ” in your summary.)
3. Quality of the assignment:
– Clear and succinct summary
– Fair evaluation of the article
– Sources cited correctly
– No less than 250 words, 12 size font, single spaced, use APA format for citing sources