Music prompt

Caroline Shaw – Partita for 8 Voices
Performed by Roomful of Teeth

Writing Prompt (200 words) – Please respond to the following quotes with any observations or reactions from your listening experience:

Caroline writes really complex things. She plays with the color of vowels, has really tight canonic figures, parts chasing each other and then shell mix in these glorious, starbust chords. Shes one of the most creative people writing right now. You never get the feeling that shes copying someone else or following some prescribed path. – Dianne Berkun Menaker, founding artistic director of the Brooklyn Youth Chorus

Caroline is an incredibly unique voice. To me, she represents the future of music. Theres no threshold to entry for her work. You dont need to have a PhD in Ligeti to understand her language. It engages the heart. –  Limor Tomer, General Manager of the Metropolitan Museum of Arts MetLiveArts series