summary and response

Aritcle link
please do a summary and response to this article.
Tips for summary ;
Include the title and authors full name.
Explain the main ideas being presented.
Do not go into specific details unless they relate to your response.
Minimize the use of quotes.
Write in the present tense.
Use strong verbs like claims, supports, analyzes, and discusses instead of says
Be objective and do not include your opinion.
Be concise and avoid wordiness.
Make your summary clear so that someone who has not read the original material can still

Tips for response
reflection examining the ways in which the text affected your thinking on the topic
conversation demonstrating how your experiences build on, contradict, or alter the authors
extension pushing the ideas of the text further and seeing how those ideas might apply to
different situations
tempering the position raising concerns about the overlooked aspects of the texts ideas
rhetorical analysis examine how the author uses language to communicate ideas
strength of argument questioning how the text supports its ideas