Human Service

Considering the well-being of children (see page 33 and indicators of well-being),
discuss how the four layers of Ecological Systems Theory microsystem,
mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem could address (or suggest
interventions) to improve the lives of school-age children. ( 1 Page/ Single Space)
There is a belief system that claims that parents are the sole (only) agents of
socialization as per childrens development. Taking into account Chapter 2:
Ecology of Socialization, provide a counter argument, that parents are not the
be all, end all agents of socialization. ( 1 Page/ Single Space)
If you were designing a parenting (child-rearing) course/class for new parents,
discuss some topics that are associated with optimal outcomes for children. Be
sure to integrate information from your textbook (see pages 140 157), Belskys
ecological systems framework (the determinants of parenting), and Bradley and
Caldwells research on the quality of the home environment. Note: do not simply
summarize each of the aforementioned topics; rather, select relevant
segments/concepts from each source( 1 Page/ Single Space)