Benchmark Paper

Paper should have the following:
Accountability to the Professional Role
Submission is complete utilizing critical thinking as evidenced by completing all assignment criteria.

Thoroughly and substantively addresses the case in 1-2 paragraphs

Health and History of the Patient
Thoroughly and substantivelyaddresses the health and history of the patient

History of Present Chronic Illness:Including current Hospitalization
Thoroughly and substantively addresses the History of present chronic illness and hospitalization of the patient

Pathophysiologyof Present Illness
The pathophysiology is thoroughly researched with at least two reputable sources and is at least one page long

Diagnostic Testing
A variety of test results are presented

Current Medications
Medications are listed and thoroughly explained

Nursing Assessment
Even when facing complex, conflicting,
or confusing data, is able to (a) note and make sense of patterns in thepatients data, (b) compare these with known patterns (from the nursing knowledge base, research, personal experience, and intuition), and (c) develop plans for interventions that can be justified in terms of their likelihood of success. Focuses on the most relevant and important data useful for explaining the patients condition

Makes appropriate and powerful
connections between the issues identified and the strategic concepts studied in the reading;
demonstrates complete command of the strategic concepts and analytical tools studied

Presents detailed, realistic, and appropriate recommendations clearly supported by the information
presented and concepts from the reading. Student outlines a complete and effective plan of care for selected patient

Clinical Judgment/Problem Solving
Thoroughly identifies and addresses key aspects of the problem and insightfully uses facts and relevant evidence from analysis to support and defend potentially valid solutions

Interventions are tailored for the individual patient; monitors patient progress closely and is
able to adjust treatment as indicated by patient response. Shows mastery of necessary nursing

Client Teaching
Thoroughly addresses previous teaching and teaching needs

Insightfully interprets data or information; identifies obvious as well as hidden assumptions, establishes credibility of sources on points other than authority alone, avoids fallacies in reasoning; distinguishes appropriate arguments from extraneous elements; provides sufficient logical support.

Culturally Competent Care
Consistently promotes and integrates patients/clients and familys circumstances, beliefs and
values into care plans

Insightfully relates concepts and ideas from multiple sources; uses new information to enhance chosen solution; recognizes missing information; correctly identifies potential effects of new information.

Identifies strengths and weaknesses in own thinking: recognizes personal assumptions, values
and perspectives, compares to others, and evaluates them in the context of alternate points of

Thorough conclusion at least 1-2 paragraphs

Documentation is clear and well organized. Appropriate medical terminology is used.
Redundant (repetitious) words, phrases, and other distracting information are omitted.
Format follows a standard. Narratives for head to toe and follow up notes have a logical flow.

Writing mechanics
Writing demonstrates a sophisticated clarity, conciseness, and correctness; includes thorough details and relevant data and information; extremely wellorganized

APA guidelines
Uses APA guidelines accurately and consistently to cite sources

The information above is also based on the rubics. Sorry for the long instructions. Please use the template below

My patient fake information is : D.L. 52-year old male, was admitted yesterday evening for stabilization of his uncontrolled type II diabetes. He is married, and his wife is requesting to stay at his side. His HbgA1c is 10.6%. He has a history of a Myocardial Infarction, MI, one year ago, and has refused all cardiac rehab, and has not had another cardiac event. He refuses to comply with dietary recommendations. His BMI is 37. Vital signs are: BP: 146/94, P: 88, R: 22, T: 99.2, PaO2: 94% Blood glucose upon admission is 340 mg/dl

Thank you!!