Any topic (writer’s choice)

This file contains the projects and rubrics for Parts A, B, and C of the Country Analysis Project.  Please review the above attached file for more details.

*** For part 2 of this project, I do not want the “Table View” in the report.  I would like the “Graph View.” This is much easier to interpret for the purposes of this project.***

Please find the 6 Adobe files below for the World Governance Indicators (WGI):

Voice and Accountability va.pdfPreview the document

Political Stability and Absence of Violence pv.pdfPreview the document

Government Effectiveness ge.pdfPreview the document

Regulatory Quality rq.pdfPreview the document

Rule of Law rl.pdfPreview the document

Control of Corruption cc.pdfPreview the document

You may form up to groups of two (2) to complete this project. Please answer the questions below and turn in to Canvas by Friday, March 26th by 11:59EST.

REFERENCE your work!  Your submission will be processed through Turn-It-In. This Project is worth 74 points (10 points per question).

PLEASE NOTE: The countries you choose for Part A will be the countries you refer to through Parts A, B, and C. If, for some reason, information is not available for your country at the websites cited by a particular question, please choose another country to answer that question, and NOTIFY ME and MAKE NOTE in the Project of the CHANGE.

***Last but not least, please place all name of all group members (if applicable) inside the file. This makes it easier for me to grade and causes less confusion for you in the future. Failure to do this may result in points being subtracted from your grade.

****Please reference your sources!!! Failure to do so will result in points being subtracted from your total grade.

*****Please either download or screenshot all of the comparison data, graphs, tables etc and use it in your analysis.***** Failure to do this will result in points being subtracted from your project grade!!!!