forum 2

Week Four Discussion Board Thread Instructions

$12 Summaries 

Please read the following chapters:

  • Everyday Bible Study: Chapters 24-27; 34-35
  • Illustrated Bible Survey: Chapters 19-24
  • Courageous Faith: Student choice Select one chapter from chapters 7-9

$12 Summaries 

This week you will write four summaries that contain between 100 and 120 words each. You get to choose any four from the chapters listed below (15-35). All four summaries should be contained in the one thread you post to the discussion board. Please title each summary with the chapter number and title. You must include at least one quote from Everyday Bible Study in this thread and include at least one quote from the Bible itself.

For an example of this type of thread, please see the provided example in the Course Content folder.

  • 15. Observe: How to Make Accurate Observations
  • 16. How to Use Multiple Translations of the Bible
  • 17. How to Ask Key Questions
  • 28. Interpret: How to Find the Meaning of the Bible
  • 29. Correlate: How to Connect Scripture to Other Scriptures
  • 30. Correlate: How to See Jesus in the Bible
  • 31. Apply: How to Live Out What You Learn
  • 32. How to Study the Old Testament Genres, Part 1: Law
  • 33. How to Study the Old Testament Genres, Part 2: Narrative
  • 34. How to Study the Old Testament Genres, Part 3: Wisdom and Poetry
  • 35. How to Study the Old Testament Genres, Part 4: Prophetic Literature 

Another way of saying this is: With each word being worth 10 cents, write four $12 summaries of the reading from any four of the following chapters in Everyday Bible Study. Please note that this list includes chapters from last weeks reading from Everyday Bible Study.

This means that in this assignment you are developing four summaries of 120 words each (one for each of the four chapters you selected). You should aim to create four summaries where each summary is between 100-120 words. Each of your summaries should not exceed the 120-word or $12 limit. You must include at least one quote from Everyday Bible Study in this thread of four summaries.