Business Entrepreneurship

Individual written Business Plan or Proposal
You are required to produce a business plan/business proposal for a new busines start-up idea of your choice.
You will be provided with examples of formats that you may select to present your work.
All answers must be: Between 1,400 and 1,650 words long.
Supported with relevant literature using the Harvard Referencing system. This requires citations (references to relevant literature) within the answer itself, which must also be listed in full in a reference list at the end of your work. Work will not be awarded a pass grade at this level of study without a clear demonstration of this skill.

My Business idea is a copy of business from Serbia called Fit Pass, which will be needed for research and citation on this assignment. My business idea is called S Pass (Strong Pass) and its goal is to connect all the gyms in the Barcelona. Long term goal of my company is to target gyms all around Spain and allow people to pay monthly membership for the same price as one month in one gym, except they can switch gyms whenever they want. My work will also need a customer survey which I have written but I need you to extend it and turn into computer graphs, etc. to present my results in the business plan. 

I will attach a mind map where you have a lot of the ideas and plans of the business(just in the assignment call the business Strong Pass (S Pass) instead of B Pass. You also have attachment of customer survey.

Let me know if you have any more questions about the assignment requirements.