Ethics Project Essay

Ethics Project Essay
This project consists of an essay question with multiple components, all of which must
be addressed in some form.
Content Requirements:
Use reliable, professional outside sources and cite facts, ideas, and direct
quotations in parenthetical notations (Author Date).
Include a Works Cited page at the end of your essay (I do NOT have a
preference for the format of your citations (APA vs. MLA vs. Chicago-style). The
Works Cited page must have AT LEAST 4 credible outside resources.
a. Credible sources are research articles written by well-known and/or
respected authors, government or educational institution websites (.gov,
.edu, .ac), or materials from Google Scholar
b. Sources to avoid include (but are not limited to): posts from social
networks like Facebook, blog posts, research articles without citations,
websites ending in .com, .org, .net, etc., and/or Wikipedia posts
c. The textbook and course PPTs/podcasts/etc. will NOT count as sources!
If you have a thought that is not your own, you must give credit to the
original source. I will run all essays through a software that checks for
plagiarism; this is a form of cheating! Further, you must work on this on
your own. Violations of these rules will fail to receive credit on for the

Format Requirements:
Essays should be at least 2,000 words in length, double-spaced, NOT
including your Works Cited page. Quotations from outside sources, your
name, my name, the course name, the essay title, the due date, the Works Cited
page, citations, etc. will NOT count toward the 2,000 word requirement. The
word count will be solely based on the content you create.
You should use size-12 Times New Roman, Cambria, Arial, (or a similar font
There should be 1 margins all around with your name in the header (NOT the
body) of the document.
Failing to meet the length requirement will result in an automatic 10-point
grade reduction. I will still take the deduction if the font size, spacing,
margin size, etc. has been altered to make the document look longer.
In this essay, you should answer:
– Why are ethics important in a professional environment?
– Describe how you developed your professional set of ethics.- Describe the process you may use to recognize ethical dilemmas. I recommend
relating this to your job, or to your desired occupation, and providing at least one
example of an ethical dilemma you may face. Make sure you are explaining the
significant of the example(s) you provide
– In a professional environment, what are the consequences, immediate or far-reaching,
of behaving unethically? Who are potential stakeholders impacted by ethical/unethical
behavior in a professional context?
When I grade the essay Im looking for substantive ideas that are organized effectively
and that use appropriate outside research and mechanics. Keep in mind that I am your
intended audience and that this is an academic paper. You should assume that I already
know the definition of course- and ethics-related concepts and that I do not need a
refresher in your essay. You should also avoid using a second person point-of-view.
In all, Im looking to see that careful thought and consideration went into your response.
This should be a personal essay that relates to you and your unique experience.
Here are some expectations I will have as I grade your paper:
Quality of Thought: Did you answer all of the questions thoroughly? Did you provide
support for your ideas from _______sources?
Clarity of Purpose: Is your paper focused on a clear purpose? Are you writing it for a
professional audience?
Organization: How are you organizing/structuring your ideas? Do they flow
coherently? Do you have paragraphs with topic sentences?
Language: What language are you using? Is it appropriate and accurate? For instance,
if you reference fundamental course concepts, are you using/explaining them correctly?
Mechanics: Is spelling/grammar acceptable? Does it hinder comprehension?
Information: Are you citing your sources? Are your sources credible, documented, and
well-integrated into your essay?