International Business

Answer the following question based on the links for the reading provided below. MUST follow all the instructions listed below.



Foxconn is the worlds biggest electronics contract manufacturer. Why would Foxconn want to assemble cars? What does this tell you about the international business environment in view of what you learned from the Biden reading?

Assume that you are talking to someone who knows nothing about what you are talking about. Answer the questions with a minimum of 100 words.

A- This is for applying what you are learning to analyze a recent
situation, not for opinions. Avoid stating: in my opinion or in my view… Just state
facts and, when possible, support them with figures.
B- Spelling or grammar mistakes: use spelling and grammar software before you post.
C- Avoid expressions like a lot or huge. Use figures instead.
D- Sources:
1-Paraphrase or quote. Credit your sources using the APA style:
2-Do not cut and paste from readings. That is plagiarism, which is illegal. 3-
List at least three references, including the assigned article.
4- Indicate the source at the end of the sentence where you apply it like this:
(McLain, 2020)
5-Indicate the date when you retrieved the document, like this:
Higgins, T., & Somerville, H. (2020, September 23). Tesla ‘Battery Day’ Spotlights
Elon Musk Plan for $25,000 Electric Car. Retrieved January 18, 2021,
6-Enter the title References before your list.
E- Use the same font and size in all postings lest your work looks choppy.
F- Dont state that you agree or disagree with a student unless you add a sentence
explaining why.