

Your response to EACH question should be between 600 and 700 words. You are required to integrate readings and themes from the course into your responses in a coherent fashion. I expect to see a minimum of three relevant references to course readings/films for each question. Demonstrate that you have undertaken the readings relevant to each question in a timely fashion and that you have critically reflected on these readings. Note that more than one reading might be relevant to a question. It is your responsibility to ascertain what are the full range of relevant readings for any question. When appropriate, refer to the readings in a formal manner. Cite sources when appropriate and include page numbers for direct quotes.

Your essays will be read with the following criteria in mind: clarity of central argument; logical reasoning; demonstrated engagement of course readings and classroom discussions; use of relevant examples (I suggest a minimum of four per essay); and comprehension of central concepts.  


The Questions

  1. – Assess the degree to which the human rights situation in Syria and Iraq is a function of power relations between the state and minority groups.
  2. – Identify and explain the most important exogenous and endogenous factors driving the human rights situation in TWO of the following cases: a. Iraq       b. Syria           c. Lebanon        d. Iran
  3. – What accounts for the progress in “second generation” rights in Iran?
  4. – Explain the fluctuations in the human rights of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Identify both the areas where improvements have been experienced as well as those areas where problems still exist.
  5. – Explain the similarities and difference between the Arab Spring and the Green Movement in Iran.  In this context, how have each affected the human rights situation in the Middle East?
  6. – According to Monshipouri, what are the main patterns of human rights violations in the Middle East region? Which pattern does the struggle portrayed in The Square come closest to? Explain.
  7. – We have reviewed several perspectives on social movements, democratization and human rights in the Middle East.  First, list several of these perspectives.  Then, explain which perspective you find more persuasive?
  8. – Compare and contrast the film The Square with Amr Hamzawy discussion of Egypt 2011-15: How can a democratic revolution fail to improve human rights conditions?” in chapter 33 of Chase, Routledge Handbook. In your view how effectively are the challenges of democratization in Egypt explained through these lenses?
  9. – How does the literature reviewed in class help understand the CURRENT status of TWO ethnic or religious minorities in the Middle East?
  10. – Explain TWO possible future directions for democracy and human rights in the Middle East. In your view, which scenario is most likely to succeed?  Explain why.

I post a example you have done it before. Just answer each answer one by one. And make it clear which answer is for which questions.