Prompt: Complete the following short answer questions with a sentence two per question:
1. Provide an example of an implicit bias and an explicit bias. The examples may be from your own life, from something you have observed, or from the
resources reviewed in this module.
2. Why is it important to understand these biases? How can these biases influence human behavior?
Guidelines for Submission: Submit your short answers in a Microsoft Word document.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Topic Engagement Provides short answers related
to the prompts and the concept
of biases influencing human
Provides short answers, but the
answers are only partially
related to the included prompts
and the concept of biases
influencing human behavior
Short answers do not relate to
the prompt or the concept of
biases influencing human
Identifying Bias Provides examples of implicit
and explicit biases
Provides examples, but one or
both examples are not accurate
Does not provide examples of
implicit and explicit biases
Clearly communicates key ideas
and thoughts in a short answer
Response needs clarification in
order to support understanding
of key ideas and thoughts
Response is not legible and key
ideas or thoughts are not
Total 100%