The ageing workforce and implications for OHS in the workplace

This is group work so my part is only focused on the implication of the ageing workforce on the ORGANIZATION!!!

Other members focus on its implication on employee and society and recommendations

So I would want you to find at least 3-4 scholarly peer-reviewed articles and other reputable sources and examples of companies or whatever you find relevant that discuss the implication of the Aging workforce on the ORGANIZATIONs

Please make it really detailed, discussing the implications through research and examples of relevant companies and how the ageing workforce has been affecting them.

This paper is for Occupational Health and Safety course so please keep that in mind when writing it and make sure its relevant to the subject

This could include both positive and negative aspects, as you research you will find more information, I think it would be mostly negative effects, and the positive side is mostly about the more experience that they have, but I am not too sure and your research will help you realize it and you can focus on both but make sure it has a flow and the paper is not all over the place just stating different views.

Make sure it’s based on research but also your own thought based on them

This additional material I uploaded is the beginning of our paper as the introduction of the key issue regarding the ageing workforce to give you some ideas
I will provide you with 1 article that you can use in addition to the ones you find, to relate it back to the implications