international Human Resources

Your answers should be concise but complete sentences, and limited to 100-150 words per question part.

1. Consider Hofstedes dimensions of national culture and answer the following questions.
a. Describe three ways in which individualistic and collectivistic societies differ.
b. Give three examples of strongly individualistic countries, and three examples of strongly collectivistic countries.
Strongly individualistic countries: United States, United Kingdom, Australia
Strongly collectivistic countries:
c. Describe two HRM practices that you believe would be highly effective in a collectivistic society, and explain why you think they would be more effective there than in an individualistic society.

2. Trends of the transfer of employment practices, and both convergence and divergence of HRM policies and practices are being noted by researchers across different countries. Answer the following related questions:
a. Define the convergence thesis with reference to patterns of HRM practice use.
b. Explain the factors that are said to be resulting in convergence in HRM practices globally. Refer to relevant readings as evidence to support your arguments.
c. Explain the opposing factors that are said to be resulting in divergence or stasis in HRM practices globally. Refer to relevant readings as evidence to support your arguments.

3. The following tables are based on data from the Cranet survey. Based on this information, (i) describe how the two countries in each table compare on the use of the practices listed, and (ii) explain why this might be the case based on cultural and/or institutional reasoning. (pictures see attachments)
a. % of firms using the following methods to recruit senior management:
b. % of firms using the following contributors to performance evaluation:  
c. % of firms offering the following employee benefits (above any legally required minimum):  

4. Bartlett and Ghoshal (1989) defined four types of multinational enterprise (MNE) based on their internationalization strategy. Based on this typology, answer the following questions:
Describe the key characteristics of the four types of MNE, including their primary strategic goals.

b. Describe Perlmutter’s three management approaches and how they overlap with Bartlett & Ghoshal’s typology.

c. Do you agree that it would be best for most companies to follow the transnational internationalization strategy? Explain your answer in terms of two advantages and two disadvantages of adopting this approach.

5. Focusing on employee relations in Western Europe and Asia:
a. Describe the level of trade union influence in each of the following countries, explaining your answer based on the information in this table: (see attachment)

b. Many Asian countries have a state corporatist system of corporate governance. Describe what this means in relation to employee relations systems.