Addressing depression in MSM in India through a new social media app to connect people to local resources

Imagine you are hired by an international NGO as a technical consultant for the development of an LGBT health promotion project for MSM in India. The leaderships plan to use an existing intervention; they ask you how to adapt it for the local setting.

-Pick a health-related NGO to work for. Examples include JHU CCP, CCP, PSI, JSI, Partners in Health, etc. You are welcome to pick a different one.
-Focus on MSM
-Focus on depression
-Your intervention will be an app to connect people to local friendly sources

Be sure to cover the following areas:
-Country context, including local culture, history, laws, and policies, as it relates to intervention adaptation recommendations.

– The variety of local constructs of sexual abs gender minority identities, definitions, and how to measure them in a cross cultural context in the country
-Barriers that stigma and discrimination impose, as well as facilitators seen from strengths-based approach; community, resilience, coping, social support
-A brief section where you reflect in how your identityrace/ethnicity, gender/sexual identity, global social status, etc.will or will not have an impact on the technical assistance you give. For background, Im a gay Hispanic male in the United States.

Grading Rubric:

_ paper is well formatted (intro, body, conclusion) and organized (5)

_ explanation of the public health app to be adapted and the MSM youre adapting it to (10)

_Includes relevant information of Indias context, including local culture, history,laws, and polices as it relates to the critique/recommendation (10)

_includes information of and discussion of local constructs of sexual and gender minority identities and definitions and how that relates to intervention recommendations, and recommendations on how to measure them and recruit the MSM in the cross cultural context (15)

_Includes discussion of the barriers that stigma and discrimination impose, as well as facilitators seen from a strength-based approach (community, resilience, coping, social support, etc.) abs how these relate to the proposed intervention recommendations (20)

_ Thoughtful discussion on who should offer the intervention five power dynamics, especially regarding (neo)colonialism, imperialism, racism, and other -isms, etc., including recommendations to address them (15)

_ Include self reflection in how your own identityrace/ethnicity, gender sexual minority, global social status, etc., will have an impact on the type of technical assistance you will give (15)

_Correct grammar and spelling (5)

_Paper is well and appropriately referenced

_____Total out of 100 points