International Business Plan

You continue to provide promising global strategy advice for MediCorp, Inc. The company has been so pleased with your contributions to their strategic planning and development that they would like you to assist with a new endeavor. Leveraging their strength in manufacturing genetic testing devices, MediCorp now wants to diversify their offerings and expand within the field of medical devices. This is a large field that extends to a myriad of products. MediCorp has asked you to identify a medical device that the company can use as a vehicle for expanding into another country. Choose from the list of medical devices and countries provided and note your choice in the Project 5: Choice of Medical Device and Country discussion area.

Choose a country as a location for MediCorps expansion and create an international business plan that guides the companys operations in that country and grows MediCorps business within the selected devices NAICS industry subsector. You will need to employ one of the strategy selections from your simulations in Projects 3 and 4 to develop a strategy that examines MediCorps potential customers, business operations, financial projections, and implementation metrics. As this clients business grows, Maryland Creative Solutions CEO, Jillian Best, emphasizes that it is critical for you to provide clear and concise analysis in your reports to MediCorp. She remarks, Success with these reports could mean big things for MCS as well as for each of you. Lets finish strong.


Building on the lessons from your Capsim simulation and your analyses of MediCorp, Inc. in the global and local markets, you will now craft an international business plan that calls on you to devise a marketing strategy, develop financial projections, and create a strategy implementation plan for the company to market a new product in another country by relocating one or more activities from MediCorps value chain in the United States to your selected country.

You will have two weeks to develop your international business plan.