Project Management in Practice

This paper is the signature assignment for this course. It should incorporate the concepts from the lessons you have studied to date.  This assignment will complete the development of a project integration plan for your specific project, which contains

  1. A description of your specific project
  2. The 10-knowledge area project management plans
  3. Does creating the specific project management plans cause rework or change to the plans?  
  4. What was the reasoning for the plan change?
  5. If you were doing the creation of the project management plans, what order would you do them in and why?
  6. From the beginning of your project integration plan in week 1 until the end of week 4, discuss which elements in the previous project plans have changed and why?

The paper should be written in Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double spaced, and 5 pages long (not including the title page and references section) and use APA formatting for in-text citations and for the References section. A table of contents will not be required in this paper.  Before posting the assignment, each student using Turnitin should check and correct plagiarism. Additionally, each student should check and correct spelling and grammar.

Based on this assignment, create a 5 slide PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the findings in your paper. Record and post the video of your presentation to Canvas. Once again, make sure we can see you deliver the presentation.

*Please see the attachment of the specific project assignment.*