
Final Essay Question:

Prompt:  Do you think society and culture influence McCandless and the other protagonists (patterns, balance, change) or do you think that there is some more focused, more personal, and more internal issue occurring (identity, determination, perspective, choice).

Compare and contrast the societal and cultural influences on Chris McCandless with the societal influences on at least one of the other protagonists Equality or Gregor Samsa.  In other words, do these protagonists do what they do because of society or a personal, internal motivation? 

Remember, youre attempting to prove your ideas to me an argument the more details you give me, the better chance I have to understand what you are thinking.

Rubric: 100 points

A well written essay no more than 4 pages long that includes the following items:

A defensible thesis place it as the last sentence of the introduction paragraph.

Clear text evidence (quotes) from each of the books you select to use that support the thesis.

Mechanically sound weekly grammar experiences visible to me in your writing especially solid, active verbs.  Avoid passive sentences.