Reply to my peers

Respond to at least 2 of your peers submissions. In your participation responses to your peers, comments must demonstrate thorough analysis of postings and extend meaningful discussion by building on previous postings.

Peer 1

The first article I have chosen that uses Kolcabas theory of comfort in their research is an article regarding frontline workers during COVID-19.  This article uses the theory of comfort as a guide in attempt to decrease the mental impact of COVID-19 frontline workers (Vo, 2020).  This article operationalizes the concept of theory and uses the amount of frontline healthcare workers burnout as a means to describe the healthcare workers not engaging in comfort measures.  This article measures the comfort of an individual based on several factors.  These factors include the amount of self-care practices an individual partakes in to avoid burnout such as meditation, engaging in physical exercise outside of work, and preforming activities that they find to be comforting (Vo, 2020).  Nurses that engage in these self-care practices have been found to have a decreased rate of burnout as opposed to those nurses that are not (Vo, 2020).  Thus, nurses that partake in self-care achieve comfort and nurses that experience burnout do not experience comfort. 

      The next article talks about how patients in an epilepsy monitoring unit measure comfort.  The research was conducted through problem centered interviews with twelve of the patients and measure through qualitative analysis (Egger-Rainer et al., 2017).  Factors that decreased patient comfort levels were staying stationary in bed (bed rest), boredom, and the anticipation of oncoming seizures (Egger-Rainer et al., 2017).  Factors that were measured as helping the patient achieve comfort were support by family and staff and the amount of hope a patient had for successful seizure control (Egger-Rainer et al., 2017).  This study determined that it is vital for a patient to have support from family and staff because that is what patients perceived as achieving comfort (Egger-Rainer et al., 2017).  The study also showed how important it is to provide a high level of care to the patients so that they can have the confidence and hope of achieving a seizure free life (Egger-Rainer et al., 2017).  


Vo, T. (2020, October 22). A Practical Guide for Frontline workers During COVID-19: Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory. Retrieved March 10, 2021, from

Egger-Rainer, A., Trinka, E., Hofler, J., & Dieplinger, A. (2017, February 12). Epilepsy Monitoring The Patients’ Views. Retrieved from

Peer 2

Measurement of Swansons Theory of Caring Using Primiparous Mothers

            This study highlights that motherhood comes with a lot of negative emotional changes such as depression and anxiety, and it can impact how mothers bond with their new babies. They use Swansons Theory of Caring in their study to see if the relationship between nurse caring behaviors can impact primiparous mothers confidence. The sample for the study had 104 primiparous mothers. They gave the mothers a survey questionnaire withing 1-2 weeks of delivery and in return were given gift cards for their time. According to the results the total and caring behaviors of the nurse had a weak to moderate effect on the mothers confidence. The study showed that mothers age, income, and level of education had no impact on their ability to bond with their baby. The study shows that if nurses have the characteristics of caring identified by Swanson and creates a trusting nurse-patient relationship is correlated with an increase in mothers mental confidence.

 Mott, B. (2016). Measurement of Swansons Theory of Caring Using Primiparous Mothers. International Journal for Human Caring, 20(2), 96101.

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Interprofessional Care of the Neonate and Family Grounded in Swanson’s Theory of Caring

            This study focuses on babies born with a Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). There is a lot of potential risk with this congenital defect such as, morbidity and mortality risk, and lifelong health issues. They use Swansons Theory of Caring to guide the prenatal and postnatal care to help positively impact the neonate and their family. The study goes over prenatal diagnostic testing, prenatal management and treatment, postnatal strategies, and the lifelong health issues the neonate could have and the chances of occurrence. The study showed that Swansons Theory of Caring is the ideal guide for the prenatal/neonatal team to help create the interpersonal relationship to help improve the outcome of their patients and help create a more holistic and caring environment. 

Register, C. H., Jnah, A. J., & Newberry, D. (2016). Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Interprofessional Care of the Neonate and Family Grounded in Swansons Theory of Caring. Neonatal Network,