Discussion reply (with 2 references)


Depression is the main cause of illness and disability in the world (Bernaras, Jaureguizar, & Garaigordobil, 2019).  The World Health Organization (WHO) has been issuing warnings about this for years, given that it affects over 300 million people all over the world and is characterized by a high risk of suicide (the second most common cause of death in those aged between 15 and 29) [World Health Organization (WHO), 2017]. Major depressive disorder in adolescence is associated with high morbidity, poor social functioning, difficulties in school, early pregnancy, and increased risk of physical illness and substance abuse (Dwyer, & Bloch, 2019).  Health care providers face many challenges when considering antidepressants for pediatric patients. The evidence base in child psychiatry is smaller compared with that of adult psychiatry. There is a lot of work that needs to be done in order to fully understand child and adolescent depression and its causes, and to design more effective prevention and treatment programs. Because of the important social and health implications of this disorder, we need to make a concerned effort to continue our research in this field.

PICOT question:

For children diagnosed with depression, how does antidepressants when compared to counseling improve suicide rates in the first year of diagnosis?