Must make our own Phase 2 study and come up with a introduction, selection and withdrawal of subjects, assessment of safety and analysis


You work for a small drug company that focuses on treatments for atrial fibrillation. It is postulated that the current drug in development (FK67T) reduces the incidence of severe chest pain, severe tachycardia and lowers blood pressure without the extreme fatigue, severe dizziness and bouts of depression associated with high dose metoprolol. Furthermore, it was found that a 7.5mg dose of FK67T given twice daily was as effective as 10mg metoprolol given three times daily in a canine model of hypertension. However a 40. mg dose of FK67T given twice daily at the same animal model produced persistent and unacceptable occurrences of severe bradycardia. Please design a phase 2 study to identify an acceptable dose of FK67T for a subsequent phase 3 study.