
arugumentative essay on article given below

In Parents Keep Childs Gender Secret, Jayme Poisson writes an article about the true story of a Canadian couple raising their child without ever revealing the childs gender (keeping it secret from anyone not in their immediate family). This has incited many strong reactions from readers and locals alike. Poissons piece allows us to form our own opinions about this subject and forces us to examine why we consider gender so important to the development of a child. 

Kenji Yoshino writes about the term covering. Covering, as Yoshino uses it, means to tone down a disfavored identity to fit into the mainstream (552), and Yoshino argues that though Americans value the idea of the melting pot as a model for our culture, that ideal can have unintended negative consequences. Despite our avowed appreciation for multiculturalism, the unstated public expectation is still for people of all genders, sexual orientations and races to conform to rigid expectations. 


Yoshino discusses the pressures we face to cover. Apply this concept and cross-reference Poissons piece and the decision Storms parents have made to keep their childs gender a secret. In what ways is it a strategy to resist covering? Is it an effective one? Is some measure of covering necessary in our society? Make an argument about how cultural expectations and individual (or parental) choices should affect or does affect gender identity. 

Essay Guidelines:

Quote the assigned readings to support your answer. Do not do additional research. Be sure to demonstrate your comprehension of the pieces by quoting and discussing relevant passages to support your thesis. Essays that draw support solely upon personal experience will not receive a passing grade. Additionally, make sure that you are not merely summarizing the readings