discussion2 marketing


Discussion Topic – Positioning 

Relevant reading on positioning:

Harvard Business Review Case Studies:

(1a) Tell us about your company, product/service, target market, and what positioning strategies your company use. Do you agree or disagree with your firm’s positioning strategies? Why? Explain. 

(1b) Insert your company’s products/services/brand pictures (relevant to your discussion content) in your post to facilitate the discussion.

Preview the document 

(2) Companies sometimes decide to reposition or redefine their products or brands. Please provide a recent example of a company involved in “repositioning.” In your opinion, was the repositioning strategy implemented by the company successful? What lessons do we learn from your example? Alternatively, you can use your company as an example, if you have to repositioning your company’s product/brand/service, what would you do and why?

Marketing simulation discussion:

(3) What’s your strategies in round 2 on positioning and pricing? Was it effective? Why or why not?

**Since the simulation is due on Monday, you can answer Q1 and Q2 by Thursday. And come back to start a NEW post and answer Q3 simulation question no later than Monday Mar 22. OR complete the simulation and answer all Q1-Q3 by Thursday. 

* Do not edit your initial post after Thursday. It’ll change the posting date and your initial post (Q1 & Q2) might be counted as late submission.

* To submit Q3 simulation question, start a NEW post and write your answer before Wednesday @11:59pm.