Child and Adolescent Psychology Conception

Child and Adolescent PsychologyConception, Birth, and the Newborn WorksheetPart 1Directions: Provide a 25- to 50- word summary of development during each of the prenatal stages listed below. 

 1 Month: 
 7 Weeks: 
 3 Months: 
 4 Months: 
 5 Months: 
 6 Months: 
 7 Months: 
 8 Months: 
 9 Months/Newborn: 
Part 2Directions: Write a 150- to 300- word response to each of the following questions; include any references and APA citations in your answer:

 1.What is a teratogen? How does it affect normal prenatal development? Provide at least two examples to support your response. 

 2.What are the differences in the roles of mothers and fathers in bonding with a newborn? How can a father be an active participant in raising a newborn?