Please select one (1) of the following questions to respond to for this forum. Give the question considerable thought and plan your response. You should be able to write a couple of strong paragraphs.


Question 1:  James Baldwin delivered his address “A Talk to Teachers” in 1963 nearly 60 years ago. While terms, expressions, and allusions (Mr. Charlie and Miss Ann) may be dated, much of his address applies to today.  Choose two or three points that he makes that “fit” our world today.  Explain and argue why his ideas meet our times.  Be specific.

Question 2:  Alice Walker’s story “Everyday Use” deals with alienation in a family when a daughter returns home from university.  Walker’s story was written in 1973 at a time when Black Power took hold and people were examining and seeking their roots.  While Dee, the prodigal daughter, may be seen as unsympathetic, her character is a powerful presence by advocating for a Black culture not based on the American institution of slavery.  Write a defense of Dee’s position and use specific examples from the story to support your argument.