Determine Computer Forensics Challenges

Write an academic paper that identifies the challenges faced by digital forensic investigators who work for organizations with more than 500 employees.

Your paper must contain the following:

  • Determine three of the best potential providers of digital forensic services for your organization to senior managers.
    • Analyze three digital forensic suppliers that might be suitable to supply services to your firm. Consider the services offered,  specializations, and quality that they might provide.
    • Provide your content in the form of a description to senior managers, informing them of the options available, should your organization need digital forensic services.
    • Provide no less than two pages of content and use no less than four quality Internet resources.
  • Determine the challenges DFIs face when providing services to clients.
    • Using course materials, additional content in the NCU library and the Internet review the issues related to the digital forensic service provider field.
    • Focus on preventing losses and protecting firms from potential future losses. Relevant fields would include legal action against a  firm, discovery orders, the ability to recover evidence, identifying culprits, quantifying losses, third-party implications, and admissibility evidence in court.
    • Provide no less than 4 pages of quality content, six academic journal sources, and two Internet sources.

Length: 6-8 pages (excluding title and reference pages)

References: 6 academic peer-reviewed sources and 6 Internet sources (12 altogether). Sources should not be more than 5 years old.

The completed assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration  of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new  thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.