For this assignment students will take a free personality test based on the Myers-Brigg Personality Tests. Use this link https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test. Follow the instructions and take the test. I recommendhavingtheresultsemailedtoyouforeaseofaccess. YourresultswillshowaPeronalityTypewith the acronym, for example ENFJ-A. A description will follow.

Save your results, either as a PDF or copy and paste in a word document. ALSO BE SURE TO CLICK ON THE PERSONALITY TYPE link which provides a thorough description of your type. Save this also!!! In addition, this site provides information on well-known individuals that share these traits with you. Note them for your paper. Also, click through to see what the characteristics mean for various aspects, such as strengths and weaknesses, personal relationships, and career. Save/Print these out.

Use the results and think about how you engage in conflict in a specific relationship that is important to you. What does this test tell you in how you relate in this relationship? Think of a different context, such as conflict at work, at home or at college (group work, etc.). What does the test tell you in how you relate?

For the paper, be sure to describe the TWO scenarios above and compare with the test results. What is your personality style? Does it reflect your personality style in both situations? Were you surprised by the results? If it did, what was it that surprised you and why? If not, why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of your style during interpersonal conflict? Use what you have learned in class and the readings.

[Paper Structure: 1-inch margins, use headings, double-spaced, page numbers]


Class (Conflict Management) Date


Results of the tests. What does it say about your personality? Strengths/Weaknesses, Personal Relationships, Career.


Describe and application of test results. Scenario B

Grubb Conflict Management Personality Test Assignment 1


Grubb Conflict Management Personality Test Assignment 2

Describe and application of test results


Your feelings concerning the personality test. Do you feel it reflects your personality style? If so, how? If not, why? Do you believe such tests are useful?


Printed out test results, strengths/weaknesses, personality relationships and career.