What have I achieved to demonstrate the alignment of my education with these core essentials

This essay needs to be a reflection of my personal accomplishments in relation to the AACN Essentials of Master’s Education., so it needs to be more personalized.  Please no plagiarism, APA format, no references are needed. You can use words like “I” since it is my reflection.  Please see attached documents below (the 3 Word documents) and use as references throughout the paper. These documents need to be mentioned in the paper.

Using your courses and course requirements (artifacts), reflect on what you have accomplished based on the AACN Essentials of Masters Education.
****The courses I would like to include are Nursing Informatics, Health Policy, and my Health Promotion Disease Prevention class, which are the 3 artifacts I have uploaded as Word documents

Using the AACN Essentials of Masters Education (which I uploaded here as PDF file), what have I achieved to demonstrate the alignment of my education with these core essentials