A Beginning Concept Analysis Towards the Development of a Theory of Nursing Practice


A Beginning Concept Analysis Towards the Development of a Theory of Nursing Practice

In this assignment, you will write, no more than four (4) pages about a concept and explaining why you hold it dear to yourself. This is called values clarifications.Perhaps you have gone through self introspection every now and then you might ask yourself:

  • Why do I value this?(your values system)
  • Why do you value patience? respect? comforting?  cleanliness? spirituality? acculturation? inclusion? social injustice? social distancing/close socializing? These are just examples of a concept(s).

For this paper you will perform an analysis of a concept. Perhaps you would want to be curious as to how this word came about. In other words, you would want to know it origins. This is what you call the epistemology of a concept.Then go back to values clarification. Ask yourself:

  • Why do I value this concept so much?
  • Explain the reason why it is significant in your life.
  • Further, why did it become important part of my belief system?

Then, ask yourself:

  • Have I been applying my belief system in term of my professional nursing practice? Explain why?

Expand the answers to the why to the 4 metaparadigms of nursing: man, health, environment.At this point you are now connecting your concept with the 4 metaparadigms of nursing. Eventually you will connect your expanded idea to call it YOUR OWN theory of nursing practice. Name it!Steps to follow:

  1. Before beginning this project, review Chapter 3 in your textbook. Also review the Link to Practice 4.1 and Box 3.2, 3.3 & table 3.4 that will guide you on how to start. You are not limited to this recommendations. You can chose from many guidelines found in Chapter 3.
  2. Your Concept Analysis must address all the questions listed above (ask yourself).
  3. It must be your original work.
  4. It should be no more than four (4) pages long, double spaced, and typed in a MS WORD file.
  5. It should adhere to 7th edition APA style (includes introduction, body, conclusion) with correct grammar and spelling are expected.