Purpose of formal Education

WEEK 1.   Your goal this first week is to familiarize yourself with the course and the requirements.  Please read all of this document carefully.   

Read the articles and watch the videos below which will help you with composition exercise #1 due week two.  Please quote from the articles and videos in your exercise as well as answer the questions in the topic.

On YouTube please watch Shift Happens

The Luxuries of Life-What the 1% of Elite have over you

and  Mark Cuban on the FIRE Movement: Financial Independence, Retire Early

Also read about intellectual property, patents, trademarks, copyright and plagiarism at


Here youll get a thorough review of these concepts. 

Also visit for more information.

This is important information to have and know for  submitting work in a remote/correspondence course.

Also read  .

The article regards the use of writing as a learning tool since writing is a form of teaching/explaining and teaching is the best way to learn anything.