Principal of Marketing


Gatorade was the first mover in the sports drink market. Growth and macro environmental factors such as increasing interest in health and fitness combined with effective marketing led to rapid adoption. As the beverage market evolved and expanded, competitors took share with differentiated benefits such as added caffeine or less sugar. Gatorade innovated with new flavors. The Product lifecycle for sports drinks is now in market maturity. How could Gatorade innovate to maintain its position as an “hydrating, athletic performance beverage” vs. the competition.?


During class we will do this exercise brainstorming as a group, with each person posting their idea. Those who are doing this asynchronously can add their ideas later. Please state what your new product idea is for Gatorade.  It can be a line extension or a completely new category. A one line description is sufficient and you do not need to comment on your classmates’ posts  – but you can if you want to.