
Please complete your first discussion post by Wednesday and your two replies by Friday.

Most people think of the nursing profession as beginning with the work of Florence Nightingale, an upper-class British woman who captured the public imagination when she led a group of female nurses to the Crimea in October of 1854 to deliver nursing service to British soldiers. Upon her return to England, Nightingale successfully established nurse education programs in a number of British hospitals. These schools were organized around a specific set of ideas about how nurses should be educated, developed by Nightingale often referred to as the Nightingale Principles. Actually, while Nightingales work was groundbreaking in that she confirmed that a corps of educated women, informed about health and the ways to promote it, could improve the care of patients based on a set of particular principles, she was not the first to put these principles into action.

Describe in more than five sentences the characteristics that best describe the nurse that you selected for the final project (LIRN). Margaret Sanger