2 Pages Summary

 1. Go to IEEE Xplore. Download the following article:

S. P. Mohanty, E. Kougianos, and P. Guturu, SBPG: Secure Better Portable Graphics for Trustworthy Media Communications in the IoT (Invited Paper), IEEE Access Journal, Volume 6, 2018, pp. 5939-5953.

Write a 2-page summary of the above article in your own words and using your own figures.

2. Go to IEEE Xplore. Download the following article:

S. Ghosh, J. Goswami, A. Majumder, A. Kumar, S. P. Mohanty, and B. K. Bhattacharyya, “Swing-Pay: One Card Meets All User Payment and Identity Needs”, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine (CEM), Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2017, pp. 82–93.