Al-Shaheed Park in Kuwait

Please follow the instructions closely:

Discuss the below main points with illustrations:
    Main Environmental issues of the projects location.
    Project main characteristics (area, cost, etc.).
    Project objective.
    Building materials used.
    Renewable sources of energy used.
    Is it a success?

Report Format and mark distribution:
    Title or cover page (1 mark)
    Acknowledgments (1 mark)
    Table of contents (1 mark)
    Lists of figures and tables (1 mark)
    Abstract (1 marks)
    Introduction (2 marks)
    Main Content (10 marks)
    Conclusions and Recommendations (1 marks)
    References (2 marks)


The body of the paper needs to be 500 words only. But I’m requesting 825 words to account for the Table of Content, Figures, Tables, Abstract, and References.