observation method

1.    Select a key child and two learning areas to observe (Math & English subjects)
2.    Gather observation data: About the child, Notes/documents, etc. gathered from observations using 5-7 different types of observation techniques. Note: The learning story is mandatory.
3.    Collect 2 pieces of student work (Artifacts, tests, classwork, which I will provide in a word document)
4.    Write a report (500-700 words): A reflection on the observation and assessment information of the key child.

Checklist for Assessment
    Use of at least 6 different observations, some can be multiple times (these must be done in real-time be sure to include time, date, setting, and focus of observation.
    Choose two items that illustrate creativity, language, or relationships that you might include in a portfolio.
    Fill in a short summary report on student learning using observations in the different areas of learning (template below)
    Use a pseudonym for the student with this project to protect the student’s identity
    Lastly, consult the assessment rubric to see how you will be assessed for this assignment and ensure that you are meeting the assessment criteria.