: Why does a manager need to help create a learning organization?


Topic: Why does a manager need to help create a learning organization?

A manager in this century leads by developing an engaged workforce to achieve organizational goals by effectively and efficiently maximizing individual potential. That means understanding an employee’s individual personal qualities and abilities as well as their cultural/generational values.  Chinn is anxious to get the new hire take on the situation that has been a recent problem for management, He has outlined the situation in the attachment below entitled VMI Recent History and Situation. He wants you to create an email to the HR President (your instructor) a summary of how you would lead the resolution of the issues facing VMI staff. 


1. By FRIDAY, complete the following:

  • Create an email summary of your resolution to the HR President.
  • Identification of the morale and motivation issues for the production workers.
  • Identification of the morale and motivation issues for the company workers as a whole. 
  • A summary and analysis of the impact these issues have on the production department and the company as a whole with respect to job performance and commitment.
  • Using the analysis as a guide, how would using a learning organization approach to leading help resolve the issues for the short and long term benefit of the organization.
  • Define and explain in three ways that you would lead the resolution of the issues for better job performance and commitment.
  • You must use course material to support your responses and APA in-text citations with a reference list.

2. THROUGHOUT the week, complete the following:

  • Respond to your classmates three or more days throughout the week. Remember you are trying to develop the best answers to the questions as possible. Your classmates are doing the same so read the posts carefully looking for the best ideas being presented.  The goal is that by the end of the week the class will come to some consensus as to the best answers giving you the chance to submit the best ideas in the final post.
  • You must use course material to support your responses but you do not need to use APA in the brainstorming discussion with the exception of Friday’s initial first impression post.
  • Participation is worth 2.5 points each week (20% of the final grade). Participation must be reflected in the final post so grades will be affected by the content portion of the post if participation is not shown. Therefore, it is important to get in the class often and with the idea of improving your initial post with the discussion so that the final grade will be the best you can deliver



Elevator Pitch

You are applying for an international management position and need to convince the hiring committee of your skills.

The Task

You will need to create a 30-second recorded video .*  The pitch should tell the employer why you are the best candidate for the job.  Upload the video or a link to the video as a reply to this message.**