Principle of Management: Final Project One Southwest Airlines

 Your employer recently conducted an employee survey and the greatest area of concern was related to management. The survey revealed that many employees are not satisfied with managements performance, and the employees feel like the companys poor performance is directly related to a lack of effective management. The general manager has learned that you are currently pursuing a business degree and would like you to champion a team to help improve managements effectiveness. The general manager would first like to understand some best management practices from successful companies. 

For the first part of the final project, you will identify a successful company. You must select a company from the list of suggested companies below. 

The company: Southwest Airlines –  Resources related specifically to the successful companies listed are provided.

 Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 

I. Introduction. Provide a brief overview of the successful company that you have chosen to benchmark for management best practices. Consider including specific examples relating to the fundamental principles of management and the companys mission and vision statement. 

II. Profile of a Successful Company 

a. Explain how the company has communicated its mission and vision within the organization. In other words, explain how the company demonstrates the importance of the mission and vision to employees and otherstakeholders. 

b. Identify the role management played in helping this company execute its strategic management plan. Justify your response. You could consider including a specific example of a time when this management plan led the company to success. 

c. Describe how management has helped to positively influence the organizational culture within this company. You could consider using some specific examples, actions, or strategies that show how management has positively influenced organizational culture. 

d. Explain managements pivotal role in the decision-making process within this company. Be sure to include specific decisions made by management based on principles of ethics. You could discuss specific decision-making models used by the company that may have helped the company be successful. 

e. Evaluate how the use of the functions of management within this company has adhered to the principles of ethics. You could consider how using the functions of management while adhering to the principles of ethics may have impacted the employees of the company.

f. Explain how this company strategically uses human resources to develop its personnel. You could consider how this use of human resources has enhanced the companys business processes. 

III. Conclusion 

a. Summarize how the company utilizes the fundamental principles of management to ensure optimal performance. You could consider the actions taken by this company if optimal performance is not met. 

b. Analyze the decision-making strategies of the company for how they consider all the parts of the company as an interrelated system. You could consider how the decision-making strategies of the company align with a systems thinking approach.