highly visible leader


For this assignment, be sure that you have read this units reading:

Vogelgesang, G., Clapp-Smith, R. Palmer, N. (2009). The Role of Authentic Leadership and Cultural Intelligence in Cross-Cultural Contexts: An Objectivist Perspective. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 5(2), 102-117.  Retrieved from: 

Choose a highly visible leader, someone you admire and would like to emulate.  You will be looking to examine a situation when a leaders cultural adaptation, cultural intelligence, ethics, and perhaps even moral and values have been tested and applying his/her actions to your own, perhaps developing, leadership style.

 Consider the four factors of Authentic Leadership; discuss how the leader rates in each of these areas.  Also consider the issues brought up in the reading for this unit, particularly ethics and personal values.  View the actions of the leader through multiple lenses.  Based on the cultural situation that was discussed above, describe how the leaders rating was impacted by the way the situation was handled. Include whether their behavior was favorable or not.

Why is this leader someone you admire?  As you examined this leader against the four factors of Authentic Leadership, did he or she rate as highly as you thought?   Look at this exercise and who you want to be as a leader — where do these things converge?

Submit a 2-3 page paper that both demonstrates that you understand adaptive leadership and is also reflective in nature. If you use any sources, be sure to cite them using APA format.