Cognitive Psychology and Research Methods:

 Outline each of the three models of memory (approx 500 700 words per model does not have to be an even split):


o  Describe (briefly) key structures/processes (SM, STM, LTM) 

o  Briefly explain how model works & its main claims (3 separate, unitary stores, emphasis on rehearsal)

o  Use evidence to illustrate/support (eg, studies showing differences between stores, eg, capacity, duration, encoding)

o  Evaluate using evidence, eg, Clive Wearing shows multiple LTM stores, so cannot be unitary; flashbulb memories dont require rehearsal; LTM used in STM tasks

o  Overly simplistic; doesnt explain how different types of info might be processed, eg, visual/acoustic (see WMM); provides good foundation for other models/research; chunking useful technique.


o  Link to MSM challenges notion of unitary, passive STM

o  Describe each component (briefly)

o  Provide evidence to support model & illustrate components, eg, dual-tasking, articulatory suppression tasks, evidence for central executive

o  Evaluate using evidence, eg, EVR good with reasoning, bad with decision-making, so more than one central executive?  Reliance on case studies (unique not generalisable); brain damaged patients no before/after comparison, brain trauma may influence performance; doesnt really explain processes; but has good application, eg, dyslexia; advancement over STM


o  Link to previous models agrees that memory is active (like WMM), but disagrees with structural models; challenges the MSMs reliance on maintenance rehearsal

o  Offers alternative view memory as by-product of processing (therefore long/short-term retention, rather than long/short-term memory stores)

o  Explain levels shallow vs deep processing

o  Illustrate using evidence, eg, Hyde & Jenkins, Perfetti & Elias, Palmere, et al.

o  Evaluate no independent measurement of depth eg, Tyler depth vs effort; circularity of argument; criticism by Eysenck that model only describes whats happening, but recent studies explain that elaborative rehearsal enriches memory by linking it into pre-existing network of semantic association.