Annotated Bibliography Assignment

In this assignment you will use the provided problem statement below as a guide for selecting academic and other literature to support a multi-disciplinary investigation.   

The Social Problem Statement:  The lack of access to healthy foods causes disparate rates of obesity and associated health problems in communities characterized by low socioeconomic status. 

  1. collect relevant sources in the discipline of sociology. You only have to pick 4 sources. You can access suggested articles via the modules section via this link:  You can also find your own articles via Google scholar. However, make sure that the article is indeed from an academic disciplinary journal (sociology)
  2. read your 4 articles carefully and highlight the main points.
  3. You will create an (click on link for more info detailing how those sources fit into a disciplinary investigation of the problem.

Your Annotated Bibliography should contain the following:

  1. Re-state the problem statement at the top of the page. 
  2. List each article using APA format (instructions below) and provide a content description (200 – 250 words for each source – 4 sources total)

1. What social problem are the authors addressing?

2. What is their research question or more specifically what hypotheses are they testing? 

3. What are the major concepts (variables) of interest in the study and their definitions?

4. What type of data and what type of methodology are they using in the project (if relevant)? 

5. Discuss the results or conclusion reached by the authors. 

6. How do the concepts and outcomes of this study offer a sociological perspective for your social problem?


More info and links below if needed 

Social Problem:

Unequal access to healthy food, nutrition, and eating options heightens obesity rates in low-income neighborhoods. 

Academic Sources:

This page contains academic literature on the above social problem.  Please feel free to make choices from this library or add other sources that you see fit. If you need to find other articles you can use the resources on the library homepage. I especially recommend Web of Science, Google Scholar or JSTOR using the database link on the library’s home page (

). With each of these databases you can word search your social problem and look for articles from different disciplinary journals. If your group decides to use a sociological perspective I recommend paying attention to articles from sociological journals. JSTOR allows you to filter articles by disciplinary area so it is my favorite resource for this assignment. 

Remember, your task is to understand the epistemological basis and reasoning aligned with a disciplinary approach to understanding the problem.  Look for the points of reason and the data and assumptions used to build an understanding of the problem in the literature.  Align reasoning, data and assumptions with a discipline.  


Ver Ploeg, M., Dutko, P. and Breneman, V., 2015. Measuring food access and food deserts for policy purposes. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 37(2), pp.205-225.